Saturday, April 07, 2007

Dream Rambling....Brad's Fault

I really really hate the smell of seafood chowder. And if there is any in the same building as you, you will smell it. My italics is stuck...nice. I wish that I could *attempt* to describe last night's dream to you. I'll give some highlights. I dreamed that:

  • Everybody Loves Raymond was funny
  • The horrible grandpa from that show oversalted my tomato
  • I was in pursuit of an evil, toy-making genius who was killing puppies
  • An old Roman woman tried to stab me in the back with a Bic pen. She pretended to hug me, then whipped it out. Because of the bad angle, I couldn't rip her off, so I had to bang her head into a marble column until she lost consciousness
  • That last part was in an ancient, underground, Roman temple, where I was hiding a woman and her three children from this old woman. Dan, Jennie, Hiro, and Ando were all helping me. The woman and children were hiding in this watery sewer, and by pretending to learn kendo we could mask any watery sounds they might have accidentally made.
  • Also, in an evil universe, I was made a slave, and forced to repot many exotic plants, and the soil was filled with worms. I like worms, so this was okay, but I definitely had no idea how I was going to escape.
Does bullet point form make reading about my dreams more tolerable? And talk about summarizing. That underground temple involves at least an hour of narration. The woman's poor husband was shot off a boat in a canal, trying to give his family time to escape. What a guy.

I'm glad, Brad, that you seem to have a similar dreaming style. I twice tried to use a dream dictionary, but neither had what I needed. And it was all such bs that it was pointless. I think that what's in a dream is too personal for a dream dictionary to work. In part of one of my recurring dreams, I'm frantically trying to pull those pieces of plywood in the basement over, to cover the glass doors, so that if the lion (who metamorphosized from an alligator once I got out of the lake) managed to smash through the glass doors, the wood would still be there. But the wood's hard to pull over, and gives me splinters as I'm yanking at it in a panic. And dream dictionary's just don't cover that.

Hey, Brad, you're in one of my recurring dreams. I'm like three, the farm house is under construction, and I'm riding on the back of an elephant up towards the front of the house. You're riding on the back of an elephant in front of me. Later on, while we're in the house, the elephants stampede through the walls. Brad, you picked me up and rushed me through to Mom and Dad's room. Everybody was safe, we asked the elephants why they did that, and they explained that someone had lied to them, saying that someone really evil lived here, but that they saw they were wrong and that they'd hurt the house. Very nice elephants. And I've completely failed at not rambling on about dreams....

So, I'm in Saint John. On the drive down, the roads were terrible thanks to a brief snow storm. Snow storm! And the weather seems to constantly say, "Flurries, flurries, flurries." It's April! Come ON! Haha, wow, winter storm warning for Antigonish. 45 cm of snow expected. unfortunate.

So...what's new...nothing.