Monday, April 30, 2007

Fabric and the Ohio BMV

Well, I finally decided on the fabrics I'm going to use for next year's room. I know, this must be sooo exciting for everyone! :-P But I thought I'd share. Feel free to criticize my choices, I don't mind.

I'm going to make an upholstered headboard with this:

And use this to make curtains:

Tomorrow, I am hopefully going to play the Go Renew My Expired License and Switch Its State at the Same Time Game. Also part of hte game is hoping that they don't look closely enough to notice that it never was a real license. For those of you who don't know that story, if you want to know it, I'll tell, but basically I hate Ohio's BMV. Hate. I think that Ben K can properly hate them with me. Only...maybe he hates them a little bit more.

Well, actually, there are a few people who read this blog and don't know the whole family, so I suppose I'll share that...edited to remove Ben K's horrible BMV story. Sorry, Ben. You can picture me looking sheepish and repentant.

Meanwhile, I got my temps when I was 15 and a half, let them expire without getting my license, got them again when I was 17 to take the license test, got my license. There was a computer glitch saying that I'd only ever had my temps for two weeks, though (actually a year and two weeks), so they said they had to fix it, and I should come back the next day, and I'd get my license. I came back the next day and they gave me my license. Fast forward...three years, and some diligent car insurance guy requested my license information, and the BMV told him that all I have are expired temps. So I've been driving around on expired temps that look like a real license (it is a license), and my proper not real license has now expired. I've given up talking to the BMV, and am now hoping that Maine will just renew my license and switch it over to Maine without looking too closely. And if they do look closely, I'll play stupid, and then find out what I have to do. Needless to say, this will be a true independent adventure, and I still hate the Ohio BMV.