Tuesday, September 18, 2007

in the middle of the day, not the night.

Doesn't everyone always wish that they could just tune into people's thoughts like turning up a speaker, and listen to what they're thinking about when they're sitting alone, just killing time? I've always wanted to do this. If anyone could do that to me, they'd hear a static noise, punctuated briefly by thoughts that sound exactly like what I write in here every day. Exactly. In fact, if I had a computer in my brain, life would be one long post for me. Except for those moments of social interaction when I'm freaking out.

Everyone watches people, right? People watching has to be one of the best past times ever. So, I sit around watching people, but I notice...no one watches me. Granted, I'm a blatant, overt people watcher. Maybe everyone else has mad people watching skills, and I really am being watched, only I'm too much of a novice to tell. Maybe the point is that we're watching people who are busy, and we're people watching when we're not. I never feel busy, but maybe there are moments when I am, and then my guard is down and I'm watched. The fact that I'm so worried about being watched must say something about me, and I'm not so certain it's something good.

I thought I lost my debit card. But it is found.