Monday, September 03, 2007

loose ends

Yes, I'm in a new place. A new room, inside a beautiful building, back on campus where adventurous things are going to be happening. But I'm not going to talk about that for now, 'cause I have some loose ends to wrap up.

a) Dad's Treo finally died. Did he replace it with something else? Nope, just another Treo, slightly newer model.

b) Jennie and Dan left behind some Junior Mints. I love Junior Mints. They had melted into the bottom of the box, so I ripped the box off from around them (rather than trying to dig them out), and enjoyed a Junior Mint Block, kind of like a brownie. In the picture, it looks like hardened oreo ice cream. Don't you think?

c) I finished the countertops before I left. Not the grouting, just the tiling. And here is my masterful work. The tile here is still covered in tile residue from me cutting them, so it looks very unclean and grimy. It just needs to be wiped down. So there are now three countertops. Oh, we were missing one piece of tile for the edges, so you see at the very far end on this one that there's a gap.

d) I have a lovely view from my room.