Friday, September 14, 2007

This weekend:

My Crocs are not only adorable, they're also quite comfortable, and go with just about everything I wear. Which is nice. 'Cause I blistered my feet so badly that first week that right now they're one of the only pair of shoes I can wear without too much pain.

Independent Yoga Adventure last night: Success! I'm a little sore today, but it was fun. It was a bit more strength-oriented than I expected it to be, but there were some pretty cool-looking poses. Well, not just cool-looking, but also fun.


Well, this has been a packed weekend. Are you ready to listen? 'cause this'll be a while. Actually, I'll work to abbreviate it.

Friday night, I went to Nick and Chris's place, where there was a small party. We hung out, first watching an amazingly amazingly amazingly bad movie that could never hope to be called B, then Mel Brookes' The Producers was put on in the background. I really wanted to watch, but it was hard with all the talking. Around one o'clock, we all went to Alexander's for pizza. Later, when I went to leave for my room around three, I couldn't find my purse. In it were my keys, debit card, half my month's budget which I'd just withdrawn, driver's license, student ID, and my ticket to Metric for the next night. Since I couldn't get into my room, we had a slumber party at Nick and Chris's. Nick slept in the loveseat in the living room, and gave me his bed to sleep in. I felt like the biggest inconvenience in the world. Then the next morning, Alexander's didn't open until three in the afternoon, so I still hung around Nick's place, preventing him from doing anything productive at all, or leading his life. And I felt like an even bigger inconvenience. I was really worried that my purse wasn't going to be at Alexander's, really worried, but imagine my relief when I finally found out it was there, and everything was still inside it!! The manager guy was very particular about that. He kept telling me to check the contents, check the contents. But bumming around Nick and Chris's apartment all day, and not sleeping in my own bed, made that day very surreal and somehow tiring. When I did get home, I just lay unconscious on my bed until it was time to head back over before going to Metric.

So, I didn't realize that I knew Metric. Perhaps you know them, too? I really enjoyed them, but I don't know how I felt about the girl who led and did all the vocals. There was something about her presence on stage that I found somewhat...repellent. Like, she seemed to really love herself, and watching that was just irritating. In a moment of great misfortune, my camera chose right before the concert to run out of batteries. :( So I have no concert photos. Ohhh well. Anyways, the rest of the night afterwards was spent listening to music at Nick and Chris's until...threeish.

So, all in all, I'm tired, and will be going to sleep EARLY tonight.

Oh, and let me add that amid the torrential downfall I walked through on the way to the concert, as well as all the beer inevitably spilled on my feet during the concert, I was very happy to be wearing my rubber Crocs.

Pictures coming later.