Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mr. Darcy

I think a bug just tried to fly up my nose. He was flying with such purpose, straight up there, that I'm a little weirded out.

So my first Brain and Behavior lab was this last Monday. I had a friend in there to partner with already, but there was a guy sitting next to us who joined up with us as well, and it turns out that his name is.....




This guy does not realize what kind of a situation he's gotten himself into. I asked him if everyone reacted about his name, and he said that I was only the second person to mention Pride and Prejudice to him. So, I think I can safely reserve the right to bug him about his name.

I just heard in the hall:
Girl: "You suck."
Guy: "I don't. I'm the opposite of suck."
Girl: "My pants say Acadia."