Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The "Deadly" Norwalk

So, a little more than a week ago, StFX students received an email that said that due to an outbreak of the Norwalk Virus at Mount Allison University (an hour or so away from us), classes at Mount A are closing until all university buildings are sanitized. StFX officials just kept saying, "Be safe, wash your hands, it's fine, no one has it here." <--world's longest run-on. In the same day that one of these reassuring emails came out, another one came out shortly later saying that thirty students were displaying "symptoms consistent with the Norwalk Virus." The numbers of students with Norwalk kept rising, but alas!! Classes were not cancelled. :( Instead, hand sanitizer bottley things were put at every entrance to every building, students weren't allowed to enter a food place without fist using the sanitizer, and in meal hall, soups, straws, pizza, burgers, bagels, etc. were all brought back behind the counter so that you had to ask for them individually (this is one meal hall for 4,000 students, soooo slow even without this back-up!), plus the salad/sandwich bar was completely removed.

So, that was the Norwalk fiasco. I made fun of it, and then last Saturday, after everyone had recovered, I got sick. Really sick. Couldn't move my arms without feeling the need to puke rising up in my throat. I made it to my bed, laid down, but couldn't move enough to close the door, get into PJ's, turn off any lights or anything. I waited without moving for three hours, and lo and behold, at 3 am I was able to pop up perfectly fine, and go back to folding laundry and cleaning my dirty dishes! YES! Norwalk can't *touch* me! I would like to point out that Norwalk is a stomach flu. I like this image, entitled "Barf."