Thursday, November 09, 2006

Those Silly Psychologists

I have a theory about psychology theories. As they progress from their early forms, go through different stages, change, and become the current accepted form, it seems to be that their names *must* get longer and longer. Whenever someone is modifying a theory, there's another psychologist peering over his shoulder, saying, "Wait, no, that new's not long enough! Here, add a few more words in."

For instance, what started out as the Naive Scientist became the Cognitive Miser Model, only to later be replaced by the Motivated Tactician Model. Hm, in fact, these names aren't any longer than each other. That's very funny. However, I think everyone would agree that naive scientist and cognitive miser are a lot easier to remember than motivated tactician.

Okay, new theory about psychology theories. As they profess from their early forms, the language used to describe the theories becomes more and more jargonized and un-common sense. Naive scientist? Makes sense. Cognitive miser? Lots of sense!! Motivated tactician? What???

Someday, I'll come up with my own theory, and I'll call it something awesome, like, The Relationship Error, The Commonsense Thinking, or something like that. Easy peasy (peasy?).

I had a dream last night that everyone around me turned into a red zombie from the bearded Other guy from Lost, but burying them in the ground, making a hair rope, and sending an electric current through the hair to the person in the ground. They emerged red and zombie. Yeesh! Don't worry, though. After everyone had become a zombie, I dug up the first zombie they created and destroyed her, so everyone turned back from being a zombie (sort of like destroying the Queen of an alien hive. Starship Troopers/Ender's Game, anyone?orrrrrr even *more* like in The Little Mermaid, when Ursula is killed, and all the slimy things become mermaids again), then I tried on some adorable boots!