Monday, March 19, 2007

Je Me Google

While watching mindless television (Makeover Wish) this show is based around the "ultimate sacrifice" that a man made for his wife. No, he didn't rush into a burning building and die saving her, he donated his kidney. Being the cynical, mean person that I am, I can't believe that this is considered a huge sacrifice. His wife is at death's door, and he's considered an angel for donating his kidney and saving her? What kind of a husband, knowing that he could save his wife's life, decides not to? I don't think that this is, I could be an average guy, or I could be an angel and save her. I think that this is, I could be a horrible person and let her die, or I could do what I know I should do. So, that's my mean cynical thought of the day.

Speaking of donating, what's everyone's blood type? I'm A+, and so is Anne Marie. Is everyone else as A-oriented as we are?

I am so pathetic. About once a year, I google myself and discover how little of an impact I've had on teh world. Yes, I use google to assess this. Previously, I only showed up in Boris's blog. Now, I also show up in my own and others' blogs. Actually...scratch that. Still only Boris's. :( Oh, woe!! Is anyone else sad enough to google themselves? I suspect there are others who share my self-googling tendencies.