Thursday, March 22, 2007

South Park Me

Don't my titles just draw you in? You must be thinking, What is Mandy doing/thinking that would involve South Park, when she's spent the last six months of her life watching (almost) exclusively home improvement/real estate shows? Well, there are web sites that let you create your own South Park character that looks like you. I saw Jenny's (Schumacher, think violin and art and hanging out with me at Cup O Joe, and long strawberry-blond hair) Facebook profile picture, which was a South Park character that looked exactly like her. While the one I created isn't as much of a match, I don't think it's too shabby. What you can't see is that I'm wearing a green button-down shirt and a black scarf.
I totally owned that paper that I procrastinated on. I should totally fail on a procrastination effort so that I learn my lesson and wise up...too bad I kick ass. Some of you should enjoy the study that I used for it: To examine whether the sense of belonging to a group influences whether or not you help someone who you think does or does not belong to the same group, guess what they did? They took Manchester United fans, and like the Good Samaritan study I mentioned earlier, had them witness someone in trouble (a runner falling, twisting his ankle, and crying out in pain). The manipulation: Every participant was a Manchester United fan, but the guy they saw fall was either wearing a Manchester United shirt, a plain sports shirt, orrrrr a Liverpool FC shirt, their great rivals! So, when does the Manchester United fan help? Well, more often when they thought the confederate was a Manchester United fan, but the good news is that they helped the supposedly Liverpool fan as often as they helped the non-affiliated confederate, so at least they weren't being mean. :-p