Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Future Crazy Cat Lady

Now that we've all appreciated the cuteness of Jibbles, we can move on to much more important things. Like hte fact that the movie The Fountain has come to Antigonish. I've gotten the impression that it's extremely mediocre, but hey, it's not Black Christmas or one of the many other horrific movies that come here, so I'm going to see it! And I'm very excited! as indicated by exclamation points. I'm still waiting for Bond to come. It's probably an expensive film or something, so they have to wait to be able to afford it. Is that how it works? I have no idea.

Right now, I'm between classes with a coffee, muffin, and streudel. Not exactly diet food, I know, but I need something to hold me over until eight o'clock tonight when I go to Tim Horton's to meet that guy who ran into Grandma and Grandpa Callahan in Brazil. I'd really like to see Grandma Callahan sometime. I like her gruff exterior with the hard-to-see love. Grandma and Grandpa Callahan are having their...60th? wedding anniversary, this summer, btw. There's going to be one celebration type thing in Columbus, and another in Gitchee Gumee. We should all go! They called me months ago, so that probably would have been like a year before their actual anniversary, and told me, to make certain that I could be there. ...I wonder if we still have to help serve food at the meal hall. How cool would it be to have another Gitchee Gumee Bible Camp t-shirt?? Answer: Very cool.
Next class we're watching a movie. If it has anything fun in it, I'll talk about it. In social psychology, we're talking about factors that bring people together in a relationship, and factors that cause them to split. It's nothing unusual or that you didn't know instinctively (sort of), but it's just depressing sitting there, seeing what is basically a formula for breaking up and learning about it. Did you know that even if a long distance relationship makes it through, and gets back together again, even though they're back together, their chances of breaking up are still higher than average? How sad. I love my Irish Cream coffee. No liquer in it, it's just...creamy.

You know what I think Dad would enjoy? Blogging. I think it'd really suit him. A simple format, and he could say all the things he wants to say and we could all comment. And he could post pictures of the things he did around the house, and we'd all say, "ooooh," or, "Oh dear, that's hideous, undo it. CtrlZ! CtrlZ!"

I must say, Jaime, that I am also a pretty big advocate of owning a cat. It's true that it's nice having a roomie taking care of Jibbles, but at the same time, I'm totally attached to him, and it's going to be sad when university ends, and we go our separate ways, and I have to say goodbye to him. If you adopt a cat with the SPCA here, they vaccinate all the cats, and pay for half of the cost to have them spayed or neutered. Oooh, I want to be a foster home for it!! That way you get an endless stream of kittens, and people adopt them. Based on looking at this webpage, it looks like every animal is almost always adopted. Wow, how...not what I was expecting. I guess the only ones that get put down are either feral or too sick to live well.

So anyways, eventually I want to get a cat, but only after I've settled down somewhere for at least a couple of years. So, basically, graduate school. I'm going to become one of those crazy cat ladies, aren't I? I can see it coming. You know what I want? A cat that looks like Patches. Classic and badass. It's a shame we don't have more pictures of her. There must be a hidden stash somewhere.
Ben K: I suggest that that anonymous comment was also left by Lisa the Waitress. 'Cause I think it makes sense in the topic that it'd be her. Especially since it was left only like one minute or two after her original comment.
I think that studying the logical errors that children make in developmental psychology is actually leading me to be more illogical. Like look at that above paragraph. I sound like a little kid reasoning. "I think there's more liquid in this glass, 'cause it's taller." WRONG! Aaah, conservation of liquids joke.
Well, that coffee was delicious. Off to class!