Friday, January 19, 2007

Interesting Personal Discovery

A few days ago, I started getting nauseous in the morning. The first time, I thought I was going to puke, but it passed suddenly. The second time, I was walking in Nicholson Hall to my first class, and suddenly had to run to the bathroom, where I apologized as I puked into a huge trash can, since all the stalls were full.

I know what you're all thinking, and the answer is no, so stop freaking out. The real cause is much more interesting. Multivitamins!! I told you I was trying to be healthy, right? In this process, I picked up a multivitamin. The day that I puked, I suspected that that might be the cause, even though it didn't make much sense. So I stopped taking it, and for the last two days I've been perfectly fine. No problems whatsoever. I researched it online, and it looks like a lot of people have problems with multivitamins and nausea. I only have a thing of yogurt for breakfast, and I guess a full stomach helps with that. So I took one tonight, after having four tacos (whoops), and so far no nausea.

I'm just so surprised. Multivitamins!