Thursday, January 04, 2007

The gang's all here

We've made it!! Each of my six siblings (+ Jaime, every bit a sister) now has a blog. Btw, Anne, am I remembering correctly that you were talking about changing the name of your blog?? Please don't! I love the name The Divine Comedy. It's don't know. But I really really like it. <--Profound.

So, I saw Rainbow Six: Vegas today. Good game. I like the way when you hide behind a wall, you don't just crouch, you sit with your back to it while the bullets whizz by to your sides and over your head. I also like the way you can aim while you're crouching, then flip around in a second and shoot the other guy bang on. I hear that if I like this, apparently Gears of War kicks ass even more.

World's latest review: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. There's not much to say. I'm both extremely depressed, but also happy. Danny DeVito looks *much* better when not spherical. I spent the entire movie going, "Is that really Danny DeVito? Nahh, ...but it has to be!" Turns out Jack Nicholson and Danny DeVito's are friends from when they were little kids. Their parents ran a business together. Fun. Anyways, this movie broke my heart, and now I understand why Jack Nicholson has respect as an actor. Wow.