Tuesday, January 30, 2007

So Frustrated!!!!

AAAHHH!!!!! Okay, so I've been working on this research methods and statistics project, getting this big long application ready to be sent to the ethics committee for approval. I sent a copy to my professor, she looked it over, sent it back with corrections (since we're just learning about how to do applications with the ethics committee) and said to send back the revisions to her no later than Monday morning, and she'd have them corrected and back to us no later than Monday at 4:30. I sent my group's revised copy to her Sunday night, waited all day yesterday, and didn't hear boo from her. We needed the three copies for the ethics committee printed off and signed by her by class today. So here I am, fifteen minutes until class starts, printing off these three copies of the ethics application. I've checked my school email a million times, and she still hasn't written back. Icheck one last time before I print them off. And I print them off. (Each application is 24 pages. I don't have a printer, so I have to use the school printers, where I have a limited amount that I can print.) So rest assured, I've just used up my entire printing allowance for the year. And just before I'm about to go down to class, riiiiight before class is starting, I get an email from her. What does it say? "If you haven't gotten revisions back from me, don't print off your three copies, blah blah blah blah blah." AH!!! Did she not think that with class breathing down my neck and no word back from her that I'd not print the copies off?? Now these are WORTHLESS, and I've used up ALL of my printing credits for this year. Couldn't she have just sent that email out maybe an hour earlier? Ten minutes earlier would have done the trick. But no. Class begins in fifteen minutes, and that's when she sends us this email. Agh. Gah. I'm so mad.
