Monday, January 15, 2007


Well, here you are. The list you've always been waiting for. The five people I live with.

Curtis--Curtis is a fourth year and is former president of my dorm, MacIsaac. I've never seen anyone able to drink so much beer, and yet act so uninebriated. He's in business, and seems to have mad people skills. He's sort of an invisible roommate. Spends a lot of time in his room, at class, and at work. I don't really know what he actually does for his job...but he's good with computers and laughs a lot. We didn't know Curtis before he lived with us, but he's turned out to be a cool guy. Oh, and O Brother Where Art Thou can occasionally be heard blasting from his room, which can only be a good thing. Curtis is from Moncton, New Brunswick, about three or so hours east of Antigonish.

Jessie--I met Jessie like the first day of school last year. She and Katie hit it off. She lived one floor below me, but had a dirty roomie and I don't think she liked the Mac style. Katie sort of links us together, I think, but we've had fun times at movies and hanging out. She's really close to her family, which I like. Also, she speaks Mi'kmaq, which is awesome. I wish I could speak Mi'kmaq. Jessie's from Cape Breton, but I'm not exactly certain what town.

Kale-- Kale's the other guy none of us knew going in this year. The property manager found a person to fill the sixth room without talking to us, and so we were pretty nervous, but he's totally laid back and makes beautiful smells in the kitchen when he cooks. Oh, and when he arrived, he brought tons of oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip cookies, which can only create a good impression. Major bonus points for me, I know. He smokes a lot of weed, but is really courteous about everything that he does. He, Tim, and I are on the first floor, and as a result we all hang out together a lot. Well, he, Tim, and the XBox 360 hang out a lot. :-p Kale works in the kitchen at Boston Pizza. He works full time and still manages to go to classes. Kale's from the Halifax area.

Katie--Katie was my assigned roommate in the MacIsaac residence double rooms. Talk about the residence office not screwing up. We both like Radiohead and are unashamed Harry Potter fans. It would bot be a lie to say that our room last year kicked ass. I get the impression that Katie's normally much more outgoing socially than I've seen her at university, but we both had a pretty quiet lifestyle in MacIsaac with a few exceptions. The door to our room wouldn't stand open, so as a result we didn't meet people on our floor very easily the way other people did. She's super clean, which is nice, and I'd try and be as clean as possible. Having Katie as a roomie definitely made it easier. She has a long distance boyfriend, Chris, in Pennsylvania. Oh, and her birthday is January 21st. Cool, eh? Oh, and she's from Massachusetts, but is like 3/4 or a half Canadian. Oh, Katie is the owner of the oft-mentioned cat, Jibbles.

Tim-- Tim's from Rothesay, New Brunswick, and his house is conveniently five minutes off the highway I have to take to get home, and only an hour and a half from Calais. You've all met Tim, though, so there's not much to say. He's doing biology, plays a lot of Halo, has three older brothers, plays piano and saxophone, and also plays a lot of Starcraft. Has a much better work ethic than I do.

Well, my laptop's battery is almost out. It's snowing like nuts outside. And those are all my roommates! I apologize for the mugshot-type photos I took.