Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Some things annoy me. For instance, I want to fly with ease from site to site, without sitting around typing in the URLs. Well, isn't Mozilla great, you'll say. Those handy bookmark things. But there aren't enough!! I run out of room. However, it's okay, 'cause all I need to do is type in the first letter or two of what I want, arrow down, press enter, and I'm on my way. Not so, though, when I'm on a public computer! I hate that. I hit a letter, and wait for my history of webpages to conveniently hand me the rest...and I wait a second longer...before it hits me that I actually have to type all of this in. GAH. So at this moment, I am annoyed, 'cause I'm sitting in computer lab, painstakingly typing in each web address, just to check for a moment if anything's been updated.

Oooh, a chance to donate blood is coming. I love donating blood. It's the easiest way to feel good about doing something to help others, while just being lazy and *sitting* there. If only they paid me for it.... Of course, last year it was really busy every time I went by, and I didn't feel like waiting in line. And before I knew it, the blood drive had left, all without me having donated a drop. Like many women, I have issues with iron levels. Mine suck. More than once, my low iron levels have prevented me from donating. And by more than once, I mean twice. Somehow it makes you feel bad about yourself when you try to donate, and they turn you away. "Wait, you don't *want* my blood? My blood's not good enough?? NOOOO!!!"
Plus, little snacks at the end and fruit juice packs: Bonus.

Not gonna lie, I'm kind of scared of what the walk to scchool will be like this year in winter....Hmm, kids ar eflooding in here. Ithink this is abotu to turn into a classroom. Post and RUN!!!