Thursday, September 07, 2006

The First Day of Classes

My Independent Adventure of today did not go so well. The English Chair wasn't in his office, and I didn't have very much time, so I took a copy of the previously sent email with application for override, wrote a note explaining, and slipped them both under the door. No people contact! Yay!

However, there were other Independent Adventures to be very proud of. I met two new people. One, Kat/Katherine/whatever, sat next to me in my Psych Research MEthods and Statistics class. She seems nice. She sat next to me 'cause I sort of smiled at her as she came in, and she didn't know anyone else in the class either. Research and statistics shouldn't be too bad, despite the mathness of it all. *shudder*...mathness.

Smiling, however, did not do the trick in Social Psychology. Everyone either knew loads of people already and sat in their posse (posse?) or seemed like really shy introverts. <---Talk about the pot calling hte kettle black. However, I simply *hate* sitting alone class after class, while other people socialize and laugh. So right before class began, when no one sat next to me, I had an Independent Adventure: I scooted down to the end of the row, and introduced myself out of the blue to this girl. Her name is Mallery. She is *really* not interested in me or anything to do with me, but at least I know someone now.

I already knew my Research Methods prof, but this social psych girl was new to me. Dr. Koch, pronounced Dr. "Coke." She seems cool, and I'm really excited about the class. Yay!

Scary thing of the day: French. The most effeminate, decked out in 1950s (including flower in buttonhole, neatly folded napkin in breast pocket, and hat), straight-backed professor walked in. I'd seen him around last year, and thought of him as "that guy who takes his posture too seriously." True, I am a hunchback. Anyways, he seems perfectly nice, but a little full of himself, maybe. We took a placement test, and I felt way out of my league. So many people have been in immersion programs--even Tim spent two years in immersion French. I was almost the last person done, and on some of the last questions, I barely even read them, I just scribbled an answer down. So, now I'm waiting for hte results to be posted. Exactly how much *do* I suck? I'm about to find out.

This school year's going to be great.