Friday, September 29, 2006

Kronk and Banana Bars

The failed independent adventure of the health waiver form *did* eventually end successfully. It turns out that when the actual lady I need is there, she has this little booth thing set up with HEALTH PLAN OPT-OUT written on it in huge letters. Go figure. :-P

Surprisingly funny movie: The Emperor's New Groove. I know, I'm six years behind. But honestly, that movie just didn't look good to me. However, Tim wanted to see it, and we've been going through a Disney Extravaganza phase, so I was like, "Hey, why not." Cue about a half an hour into the movie, and I was dying of laughter. The one song in the movie is, by the way, horrible. But the guy that really stole the show was Kronk, the evil villain's stupid thug, who's actually a really sweet guy, and loves to cook, especially spinach puffs. He also points out in a humorous way all the things about movies where you think, "Hey, how did *that* happen?" but you just have to accept it and move on. It's funny. Anyways, two surprised thumbs are going way up for The Emperor's New Groove.

Also humorous was my attempt at making banana bread yesterday. Jennie, that recipe I gave you is *wrong*! I know, I think you prefer your mom's banana bread anyway, but I must have copied this wrong. The Callahan recipe for banana bread, which I've used before and it was excellent, calls for way too much flour. Waaaay too much flour. Basically, what I have now are reasonably yummy banana bars. That's how I've been introducing them to people. Would you like a Banana Bar?

It was a cold, grey, rainy day today, so I made leek and potato soup. Yaay! I didn't screw *that* up. And my roomie, Kale, conveniently had a hand puree-er. So, now I have a wonderful pot of low-calorie soup that I hope might last until Monday, and banana bars that I actually can't stop eating for some reason.