Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Shot Down Again!

Today was day two of the blood donor clinic. After my drawing class ended at five, I scuttled over to the student union building, and got in line! Yay! I love donating blood! I got an appointment for 40 minutes later, and since I hadn't eaten anything all day, and didn't want to have blood drawn on an empty stomach, Tim and I ran down to the cafeteria. Chili and pizza! And a large Diet Pepsi! Boring details. Anyways. We ran back upstairs, with Tim balancing the tray with our beloved food on it (he was great about the idea of waiting forever for me to finish this), and I hopped in to one of the open desk spots, to go through my initial check-out clearance. The nurse got all my information, and as I saw we were getting to the iron bit, I warned her that I thought my chances of having a high enough iron level were low. So, instead of trying my blood in the floater thingy, she skipped straight to the iron level machine. What's that? 12.4 instead of 12.5? That's right, my iron levels are too low. At least I hadn't filled out all that paperwork yet. So, I turned away, my blood once more scorned by the world. :-P At least I tried.

But, I already have an appointment for next November! Score! They can't stop me from trying to donate!

I'd consider donating bone marrow and stuff, but that sounds...really painful. Does anyone know what that entails? There's just *no* way that that can be pleasant. Wow, just researched it. That is heavy duty. I'd totally do that. It involves waiting until a match for your marrow is finally found, with lots of testing, and then one day you go under anasthaetic, and they get the marrow out of your hips, with syringes so big they leave scars. Whew. Who wants to donate bone marrow with me?? :)