Friday, September 22, 2006

Drugs and Alcohol

Right now, my house stinks so strongly of weed that I might as well be smoking it myself. And it's gone into my room, too. University seems like this big drinking and smoking extravaganza. Maybe it's 'cause this is such a party school or something. Plenty of people say that hte perceived rate of drinking is much higher than the *actual* rate of drinking, so students shouldn't feel as though they're pressured, but I absolutely don't believe that. So far, I haven't heard a single person say that they don't drink. Everyone goes to the bars, not only on the weekends, but also on Toonie Tuesdays, Wing Wednesday, and some clever Thursday name bar deal. Honestly, paying for a cover charge, and then four to five dollars at least for every drink doesn't strike me as very fun. Especially when the music's so loud that you can't talk to anyone, and *especially* when it's just a setting where you're supposed to dance. Dancing--no. Thus, no bars for me. And when I go to a friend's place, I often get welcomed with a handshake for my one hand, and a shot placed into my other.

I find the ever-present, mostly unspoken pressure to drink really annoying. I feel very uncool each time I tell another person that, no, I won't be going to the bar tonight. I have class tomorrow. Oh? I shouldn't let class get in the way of that? A little hangover the next day shouldn't stop me? Well, I like to be well-rested. :-P Aaaanyways.

I saw The Covenant. It was mildly entertaining, mindless fluff. I did, however, really like that main character girl's hair in the beginning of this scene -->

That winter edge has entered the air. Brrr!!!