Monday, September 25, 2006

A New Adventure--Failed, A New Adventure--Conceived

My latest independent adventure failed. Now that I've spoiled the end of this narrative, there's no need to read on. My mission was to find Linda MacDonald, the mysterious Health Services lady, and sign a waiver so that I would not be accepting health coverage plan thing for StFX, which costs an extra $800, which does not fly in dad's pocket-book. So, between French and Developmental Psychology, I stopped by the Student's Union Building (SUB), to try and find this mysterious Linda MacDonald. Someone had told me to try in the Health Clinic, so I went there--they were out to lunch. So I went to the bathroom, wandered around between some floors reading the names on the office plaques, and eventually did the only smart thing any girl like myself *could* do: I got on the computer. Finding someone on the internet is just a million times easier than finding them in person. Within two minutes, I knew that she in fact had her own little office on the fourth floor of the SUB. Magnificent! ....I'd never *been* up to the fourth floor of the SUB. The fourth floor is that type of place where the only people who go there are people who either belong there (with offices) or who have some very specific business that requires walking promptly to some office, and promptly back downstairs once that's finished.

So, despite my lack of an office number, I steeled myself for this adventure, and walked the long walk up to the fourth floor. At the top of the steps, I had no idea where to go. There was a vague sign with arrows, none of which told me what direction I needed. It was a big, open lounge with offices opening onto it, and people who were clearly doing actual jobs and belonged there scattered about. I was terrified. People could *see* that I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going. I managed to make my feet take a couple of staggering steps towards an office--the Chaplaincy. Not what I needed. Sister Mary Berthram. Also not what I needed. I almost panicked and ran down the stairs. But there it was!! Linda MacDonald-Health Services. I walked in the door. This was the most oddly arranged office ever. There was a quasi-sitting room inside, with two more offices opening off of it. Was there supposed to be a secretary in here? I looked at the office hours--I was within them. I suddenly recognized the guy sitting in one of hte two offices--Adam Hinton!!! YIKES. Student Union President, comes from some state nearby Ohio, in the International Society, and so nice and friendly that if I stood there one more moment, he was going to come out and say hi to me. I ran, as quickly as I could, back downstairs into the neutral third floor territory. Whew.

And I wonder why I have so few friends. :-P

However, I have conceived of a grand and wonderful independent adventure scheme. Tell me how possible this is, 'cause maybe I'm on crack. I probably am. But! I'd like to design my own short term developmental research study, get in contact with an early education place (preschool to late elementary), and carry out some particular observational study. Observational, because I'm just an undergrad nothing student. But, also, psychology internships seem to almsot all be pre-doctoral, but I want to start doing research *now,* myself. Another option I was considering would be if I could assist a psychologist somewhere with his/her research, doing the boring data collecting or questionnaire administering. I don't suppose anyone happens to have a buddy psychologist out there looking for a psych undergrad to be their stooge for a little while? 'Cause I'd be there in a flash. :-P Anyways, so yeah, designing my own research study. I know it wouldn't mean anything, but it'd be sort of a practical application of this year's work. Maybe I could spend a few weeks living with the Niblocks or Sam or something while doing this? Interesting thought....