Sunday, August 26, 2007

Eine Kleine Nachtwriting

I love trying to play obviously incorrect words on Scrabble on Facebook.

Sometimes I think that there's a limit to how much of Dad's music I can listen to before I go insane. I must be so intolerant in other areas of my life because I spend all my tolerance living with Dad. By the time I see anyone else, it's all gone. If you think that perhaps the songs he listens to couldn't be that bad, just listen to this: Beatles played softly on the piano (hotel lobby style) with fake nature sounds in the background. There are owls, birds, babbling brooks, and even occasionally some ocean surf! Anne, you will never know how grateful I was when you got Dad the soundtrack to Something's Gotta Give, and Dad liked it. It meant months on end of tolerable songs. Thankfully, though, I don't have to put up with Olivia Newton John anymore.

I think it's amusing that I'm the intolerant one, yet Dad will never tolerate any of my music. This is all one-sided tolerance!!

You know that song at the beginning of Kill Bill Vol. I? "Bang bang, he shot me down, bang bang, I hit the ground, bang bang, bang bang, my baby shot me down." I love that song.

So, I finally saw the movie Secretary. I heard a lot of mixed reviews about this. Anne Marie gave it four stars on Netflix, Brad gave it three, and Ben and Jaime gave it one. In fact, Ben and Jaime absolutely hated it. Told me to steeeeer clear. So of course after all of this I had to see. I already had it at home, and had been meaning to see it for ages, and finally the time had come. Even more finally, you're going to get to hear what I thought of it. :-P

I loved it! Two nicheless people finding their niche together. I like how at the end she became his orchid. But I kept thinking the entire time, "AAAAGH, you're covered in pee and haven't showered in at least three days!" Rottentomatoes calls this "a romantic comedy with a kinky twist." I think it's a little bit more than a kinky twist. The whole S&M thing was something I had to kind of get over in order to really watch the movie. Much of it I spent cringing awkwardly, but it's odd how it managed to make this actually a romance, and actually seem sweet. Start disagreeing with me anytime, I don't mind. :) Here she is becoming his orchid: