Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Bathroom Stalls and Ben

Congratulations, Ben!!! That was a pretty close race. One vote separating you and McClelland. And John Brennan won mayor. Well, you now have a very cool block in Bexley.

1 USD= 1.087 CAD

I think anyone develops affection for a particular stall if they visit the same public restroom often enough. (I just went in search of my post on bathroom stalls, and why no one should pick the middle one, so I could link it, but I can't find it. Did I just imagine writing that?) Anyways. In the bathroom I use on my end of the floor in res, my favorite stall is, hypocritically, the middle one. However, there's almost never even one other person in that bathroom, so I don't think it really matters. Anyways!

In keeping with what many residences do in their bathrooms, I came in one day and saw that on the inside of the stalls was goign to be info on Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll. So since my favorite stall is the middle, I of course got the drugs info while sitting on that seat of seats. It was the usual info on what drugs are, classifications, side effects, withdrawal symptoms, and resources. But! I was reading through the section on withdrawal, and one of the symptoms listed was: Yawning. Maybe some people have a phobia of showing their teeth or something, but I just couldn't get over this. Yawning.

I branched out one day (oooh) and used the first stall. I expected to find info on different STDs (or should I be correct and say STIs...nah.) and their symptoms and treatment. But much to my amusement, there were instead twenty sex tips listed. This, I thought, is a pretty great change from STDs.

I haven't gone into the third stall yet, but I'm saving it for a surprise. Having a rough day? Find out what's in the "Rock & Roll" stall!

So all the pegs on my cello have slipped out of tune as a result of the severe weather changes (ahem...and leaving my window open during the storm :-[ ), and this more than anything else is really stressing me out. I don't think there's anything more embarrassing and shameful than not being able to get your own pegs to stay in. However, this has been a problem my entire time playing cello, and it's resulted in a sort of fear of my pegs. I never use them unless I absolutely have to; I depend almost entirely on my fine tuners.

Ohhh, my Cello Shame.