Friday, November 23, 2007

You won't believe what I did... :-/

In perhaps one of the boldest and most innovative moves in fashion history, I just now paired a long cable knit cardigan with my grumpy bear t-shirt. It's okay, I understand if you're intimidated. :-P

This cardigan doesn't have long sleeves, though. So it's pointless. Who designs these things? And who buys them? I do, apparently.

So, today I had my first counseling session. Yay! My lady was really nice. We talked about a lot of different stuff. My voice only quavered slightly (but totally noticeably). It's amazing how draining that is, though, and how difficult it is to talk and actually say what you think, and not just give a polite response. I was physically hot from the effort when I left. And I felt a little nervous and shaken afterwards; my hands were actually trembling.

I just read The Ent and the Entwife song and it is so sweet and sad. And I am such a dork. First cardigans with Grumpy Bear and now The Ent and the Entwife Song. Wow.

Well, I just compromised my morals and watched Becoming Jane. I criticized it for taking an author and trying to make a romance out of her life for her readers. Whatever the real story was, the movie was fun, and I enjoyed watching it. But honestly, I'm a total sucker for a love story, and I buy into them like nobody else. That main male character switched from being handsome to hideous and back to handsome again. I still can't decide which he is. I know, that matters soo much, doesn't it.

To justify my liking it, though, before I watched it I said to myself, "Mandy, don't expect anything. Suspend belief. It's just a story." However, as far as the dialogue went, I felt like they just took her novels and shoved words into everyone's mouth from them to try and make everyone go, "ooh, ooh, ooh!!!! That's from such and such!!!! And I know that that's from such and such!" Ugh. However, I did enjoy the excerpt that they chose for her to read at the end. Well chosen. I don't want to give the end away (as if I could) but it was the well known bit from Persuasion.