Thursday, November 01, 2007

Knitting screw-up II

The birthday of my blog came and went, and I said nothing about it. So, a long while later, let me say happy birthday to my blog.

Happy birthday, blog. One year old.

Fun. An article on the most haunted places in Canada includes my residence.

Well, I have another knitting mess-up. I don't think this will tickle your fancy as much as the last one, though, Jaime. So, I kind of do things without any rhyme or reason or...pattern. And this is another example of not really knowing what I'm doing while knitting. Lol. I got a little (a lot) overeager in the amount of decreasing I did, and now I think I've learned my lesson.

It doesn't look that bad with teh pointy bit squished in.

But without the pointy bit squished in....I feel like an elf. Or a person with an upside down flower shoved onto their head.

So, I just saw Jaws for the first time. What???? You just saw Jaws for the first time????? How could you avoid such a classic for so long?!!! Well, I'm just that impressive. I made me some popcorn, drank all of my pop, went to the bathroom a lot, and enjoyed the movie. I have to say, I really really really liked it. Very funny and suspenseful. And for the first time ever, I liked Richard Dreyfuss. I think anyone would understand that once you know that I think my first experience watching him was Mr. Holland's Opus.

Anyways. I really liked it.