Wednesday, November 07, 2007


For those of you who don't Facebook stalk family members, here's a lovely picture of Anne with Grushenka:There are two kinds of people in life: Those who care about ending sentences with prepositions, and those who don't. Okay, nevermind. There are three. Those who care about ending sentences with prepositions, those who don't care, and those who aren't aware that you shouldn't end sentences with prepositions. However. I feel like I need to be less of a stick in the mud, suck it up, and deal with the prepositions. Sometimes I do, to avoid all the "to which" and "to whoms" that are otherwise necessary. But when phrases like "What's up" are standard, in the end I have to grit my teeth and bear it. I like to think that the "up" in what's up has taken on an entirely different, non-preposition meaning.

Hmm, I actually did a little reading up on ending sentences with prepositions, and it's not the hard and fast rule I thought it was. Whew! Now I can rest easy.
