Sunday, November 04, 2007

stupid stupid stupid!

Great. Fabulous. Just so me.

I guess some hurricane was passing by today, and I knew about it, but I forgot. So I headed out....ten hours ago, without a care in my mind. One surprise birthday party and night of being a ninja later, and I walk back to my res in the really quite impressive wind, and open my door room with my window standing wiiiiiiiiide open.

I have a habit of using my windowsill as a bookshelf, since my bed's right there, the windowsill's so big and tempting, and I tend to read in bed. Thus. My Junior Seminar reading material, my lexicon for history and theory of psych, my lab manual for dissecting my sheep brain, and all of my printer paper are soaked. Oh, and my guide to SPSS. But who cares about SPSS. Aw, and my poster of The Singing Butler is down and potentially all wet and soggy.


Not quite a tragedy, though, is the new version of my pointy hat. The Not So Pointy Hat, as I like to call it.
Who else is soooo sick of seeing the bright red color of that yarn on this blog, 'cause I know I am. No more red!!

In other news, today is (or was, it's 2:43 am right now, happy daylight saving time, btw) Stephanie Babcock's birthday. Happy birthday, Stephanie! Sarah wanted to throw her a surprise birthday party, so I came over before ninjaness to help prepare. Now. Backstory. I have always always always wanted to write letters with icing. Always. But I never have. Okay, that's not much in the way of backstory. Preeetty simple, really.

Anyways. I arrive at Sarah and Steph's, and what should I find waiting there but...cupcakes!! ("and what should they be serving but...celery root!" hehehehe, oh man. Where are you to laugh with me, Anne?) Anyways. So, one of my deepest, darkest desires has now been fulfilled. This, you ask, is one of my deepest, darkest desires? Would you really believe that for a second? :) Now, admire my handiwork.

Oh! Coincidence! So we're all hanging out, waiting for Meg and Steph to come back so we can surprise Steph, and some music is on. It's kinda cool, and I ask Sarah who this is. "Feist," she says. I found that pretty coincidental, since the first time I heard of Feist was on Jaime's blog today. I looked at the picture of that album cover, Jaime, and said to myself, "I don't like Feist, because look at that hairstyle." Soooooooo logical.

Anyways, crap, water damage!!!!!! How could I be so forgetful??