Monday, November 05, 2007

Who watches TV anyways

I was listening to Mushaboom, and in the first few seconds thought, "Wow, this really sounds a lot like The Postal Service..." I thought that for a while, and started thinking "Aaah, this is Postal Service, I swear!!" until I went and looked at the track title and saw Mushaboom (Postal Service Remix). So sometimes I'm not going insane, it isn't just me, it turns out to be a remix.

In Brain and Behavior we've been discussing sleep (from a neurological perspective) and talking about theories behind dreaming. The more I hear people's theories behind dreaming, the more I think that these neurologists/neuropsychologists must have really tame, uninteresting dreams. If they spent a night in my head dreaming, I think they'd throw all their theories out and say, "Nevermind, we really have no clue."

Don't try to knit and read at the same time. I was trying to do a buttonhole, and did the binding off correctly, but in the next row I was supposed to cast on one stitch, and instead knitted straight past it. Now I have no buttonhole.

I'm a natural born brain surgeon!! Heh, kind of. Today in our brain and behavior lab, we were supposed to do a mid-sagittal cut (do I sound cool?) down our sheep's brain. I wielded the scalpel while Darcy pulled the two hemispheres apart, and Therese supervised from above, and the cut came out beautifully.

I'm listening to my...fifth Feist song, and I'm sort of bored. So far I think I mostly like The Reminder, and not so much Let It Die.

A good Cheap Christmas Present For Mandy would be a mix (of one or multiple) CDs with good music that you think I probably don't know and should. The Musical Education of Mandy. For instance, I find that there are just huge gaps in my musical knowledge...big ones that I'm ashamed to admit. Led Zeppelin? Pink Floyd? The Who? AC/DC? The Police? I don't know if these are things that are worth knowing, but I'd imagine they are. Anyways, I just feel like I have no foundation for current music. I go from Classical, to Oldies, straight to Coldplay/Radiohead/etc. So then people start talking about influences, and saying names of bands that I've heard of, and I just look silly, sittign there with nothing to contribute. I should take History of Rock and Roll!!

Apparently I have managed to miss every iPod commercial involving Feist.