Wednesday, November 07, 2007

So many quotes

so feel free to skip on ahead. You'll notice, also, that I added a "Quotes" label. So I now have Art Studio, Quotes, and Christmas List. Considering how much I used to make fun of labels, I certainly am using them a lot....

Dr. Henke, Brain and Behavior

Henke: So what are you guys up to these days?
Student A: Drinking.
Henke: Drinking? There's got to be more to it than that.
Student B: ...What are you up to?
Henke: As kids say, I asked you first.

I think I ought to read the book.

We're going to be talking mostly about rat sex.

Henke: Why are you slow, Miss Fateau?
Miss Fateau: I don't know, Pete.

And that's the story of the rat sex.

Dr. Edwards, History and Theory of Psychology

They needn't have been a serial killer. Someone who beats people to death with Cheerios...yeah...I don't know.

We run into existential roadblocks like miserable parents, professors who hinder you...stop you from reaching your "full flowering."


"I realize now that I have sexual feelings for my boa constrictor"...or you just had half a jar of gherkins before you went to bed. I mean, there are dreams, and then there are dreams.

example of why horoscopes are generally quite upbeat:
Sagittarius: Today, you're going to act like the complete shit that you've always been. And you're dog is going to puke on your nice carpet.

If Diogenes were around today, you could bet he would have been leading some cult of wombats out in the woods.

Dogs will eat anything and sleep anywhere...sounds a bit like students, doesn't it?

everything from here on out is from one class today

Double vision again...gotta stop those lunchtime whiskeys.

It was dwelling in this realm of pure form, or pure spirit, or pure rubbish...whatever.

They're always shoving spears in unpleasant places for the sake of honor.

You step on some guy's foot in the street, he slaps you with his glove, and it's pistols at dawn.

Virtue, standing firm, walking tall...whatever sort of Clint Eastwoody stuff you'd like to chuck in there.

God is sending you locusts...or whatever the hell he's doing this year.

It's sort of icky. I forget how to say that in Greek. Icktheus[sic]....something to do with fish....

You make a little clearing in the forest of your mind, sort of as a landing pad for God's UFO. You guys think I make this stuff up on the spot, but really I was 15 hours last night on google.

I'm really outdoing myself today. I wish I'd brought my tape recorder. He said, modestly.

At the top of the podium, God, number one, in the blue trunks.

Souls...kind of like God's traveling salesmen.