Friday, November 02, 2007

Today I made a pull ball

The more efficient and commonsense people try to make things, the less I tend to like them. But that's probably only because by then I've gotten used to the inefficient version, and I hate change. Usually. Sometimes.

Most productive thing today: I destroyed that elven/upside down flower hat, and rewound the yarn into a pull ball. This is a lot of fun. Anne can attest to that. Speaking of which, Anne, how did that pull ball that we started making work out? Did your yarn get all tangled up inside the ball as you knit with it? I'm curious to see how well my pull ball pulls.

starting out...

Well, just so everyone knows, I got a 56% on my adv stats midterm. This. sucks. I never really knew how much I care about my marks until I got that back. I feel physically ill. I thought I might puke from how my stomach was tying itself into elaborate knots. Unlike being sucky in an elective, this really matters. For my honours degree in psych: A) I have to maintain an average of 80 in all psych courses B) I can get no mark lower than a 70 C) Advanced Statistics is a requirement.

You might look at that and laugh, and say, "No mark lower than a 70? An average of 80 or higher? hahaha, what a joke!" However, the marking here is not exactly the same as an average university back home. I've explained this before, right? I don't know what hte averages are in my classes this year, but last year, for instance, the average marks were between 43% and 55%. Getting an 85 is something to make you feel really good. Really good. So, don't laugh too hard that requirement of at least an 80 average, 'cause that's an A, and the professors treat it that way.

Whew! Okay. I'll stop whining about that mark. I was considering dropping the course, but really, what good would that do? I'll see about starting to do some work.

Now, time to nap.