Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Good luck, Ben!

It appears that Feist is performing at the Wexner Center on November 18th, just in case someone in the area who cares didn't know.

So, yeah, there's a History of Rock and Roll class...maybe it's only open to music students. Time to check teh academic calendar. Aww, there's a History of Popular Music in the music department. Too bad, though, I totally would have taken that.

A bitter orange: Is there anything worse?

I finally hooked my speakers up to my computer. I've been using my laptop speakers, and I thought that maybe that's all I wanted to get by anyways. After all, I have people living on almost every side of me; so I shouldn't be playing anything too loudly as it is.

Then I ran across a song that was really quiet, and I couldn't really hear it, and I thought, "Oh okay, I'll hook my speakers up so I can listen." So I started playing my music with my speakers, and ah, the difference. So nice. I'd almost forgotten about all the little parts that I couldn't hear on my laptop speakers.

There are several large tubs of topping thingies next to the toasters in meal hall. There's a tub of butter, cream cheese, something, and then some very bright orange plastic looking "cheese" spread. It didn't occur to me that it was supposed to be cheese until I heard two people beside me call it that. But also. There is the raspberry/strawberry (depending on the day) jam. This tub is very similar to the venus fly trap, but instead of flies it traps knives. I went to use some a couple of days ago, and tried to grab the knife leaning against the edge inside, but one entire side was covered in the jam, all sticky. So I got a new knife, and when I actually dipped it in, realized that there wasn't a section of the tub to stick the knife in where I didn't hit a knife submerged, visible only as a dark shadow just below the surface, very like the dead with their little lights in the swamp in Return of the King...or in the cave in Book 6 of Harry Potter. Anyways!! Lots of knives! I thought the knife-attraction properties of the jam was amusing.

Today is laundry day. Julie should be happy to know that I'm washing my sheets. :)

Happy Voting Day, Ben!!! Ben's running for city council. Let's all think positive thoughts (winwinwinwin).