Friday, November 16, 2007

Big Star

This is the first part of my Modern Musical Education, as directed by Brad. He is going to give me one band a week to research and listen to, with a few key songs pointed out to be sure I don't miss them, and then I'm going to write up a short (very short) post about it.

I told him not to get his hopes up.

So! This week is the band Big Star.

-Formed in 1971
-Chris Bell and Alex Chilton co-wrote most of their music
-The band disbanded and reformed a lot
-Weren't much of a sensation while they were around and writing
-Popularity grew afterwards
-Apparently bridged 1960s guitar-pop and alternative rock in the 1980s
-I don't really know what guitar-pop means
-I especially don't know what "power pop" means, which is I guess what Big Star plays

What I think:
I like their music. It doesn't really knock me off my feet, but it's definitely worth listening to. I really like Thirteen and Back of a Car. There's something about Watch the Sunrise that feels a little too kitschy for me to like it.